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Damned If You Do

Monday, Jun. 28, 2010 3:47 AM

Senator Robert Byrd (D-West Virginia) has passed away at age 92. He was the longest-serving member of Congress in U.S. History.

Former Vice-President and unrepentant war criminal Dick Cheney is still hospitalized, having checked in on Friday for 'not feelng well.'

I have to wonder if, should he pass away, he'll get the William Casey treatment, wherein everything from the Bush Administration gets blamed on the dead guy.

Although Tropical Storm Alex is not expected to hit the spill area directly, the National Hurricane Center is warning that winds from Alex may push oil further inland and hinder recovery efforts.

Is anyone else tired of the 'but we have to do it' trend in domestic and foreign policy?

We know Guantanamo is wrong, 'but we have to do it.'

We know we don't have a clear mission in Afghanistan or Iraq, 'but we have to do it.'

We know there will be an enormous toll, not just ecological, but economic, as a result of the Deepwater Horizon incident, 'but we have to do it (drill, baby, drill).'

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