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One-Clique Voting?

Thursday, Jun. 10, 2010 3:43 AM

It seems the campaign pitch for Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina is going to be that they're successful businesswomen and not career politicians, so they know how to create jobs and make a profit.

Voters shouldn't forget that corporate America is, in a large part, responsible for the economic mess we're in - from the fine folks over at Goldman Sachs to the auto industry.

And when it comes to accepting responsibility for their management decisions, they wriggle just like the career politicians they claim to despise.

And I understand that it's to show party unity and all that, but what the frack is Abel Maldonado (Republican candidate for Lt. Governor) doing standing next to Meg Whitman, who voiced her opposition to sanctuary cities and amnesty for illegal immigrants? (There was also an unidentified Asian woman on stage, same question.)

Doesn't that kind of talk strongly suggest that when they look at minorities, they don't see Americans, they see criminals and people who don't belong in their tidy little world?

BP's Doug Suttles is still insisting there aren't any underwater oil plumes, because no one has seen them.

Au contraire, Doug.

Perhaps we need to dangle BP executives from a helicopter and use them either as human shamwows or to test if there are plumes. If we dip you in the Gulf and you come up clean, well, there must be no oil, right?

BP is saying they're almost done sucking ... well, taking up oil from the 'containment cap' to a nearby tanker, and won't resume until a new tanker is on station later in the month.

In the meantime, the leak continues to gush oil into the Gulf.

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