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Tuesday, May. 18, 2010 3:48 AM

BP wants an attaboy for running a slapdash rig that has sucked up 1,000 barrels in one day, trumpeting that they've got a handle on 20% of that pesky leak.

Let's do the math. At an estimated 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons) per day, the spill from the Deepwater Horizon rig is currently at 130,000 barrels (5,460,000 gallons).

So BP is short about 25,000 barrels or so of 20%. And the other 80% is starting to produce tar balls in the Florida Keys.

Let's be clear: the oil industry was completely unprepared for an incident of this magnitude. I mean, come on: 'let's shoot golf balls and crap into the hole'? That's the plan?

BP's efforts have primarily focused on salvaging oil, not capping the fucking geyser their incompetence and greed opened up.

It's time for our leaders to step up to the plate and acknowledge that our energy policy must move away from fossil fuels and that we must become the innovators and leaders in tomorrow's technology. The dwindling resources of coal and oil are becoming more hazardous to obtain, with mounting costs in lives and damage to the environment.

But the sun? That's free. So we need to be the ones pioneering the new technology, instead of sitting on our arses while China or Japan beats us to the punch and we're left sucking hind tit again. Create it, patent it, stamp it MADE IN AMERICA.

A Boot to the Head for FOX News' Brit Hume, who mused 'Where's all the oil?' - clearly expressing his opinion that this can't be that bad if our beaches aren't yet awash in sticky black goo with piles of dead fish and birds all over.

Gosh, Brit, do you think if we dropped your worthless ass into the Gulf, we'd find some oil?

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