The Ministry of Shadows

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Deported To Where?

Friday, Apr. 30, 2010 3:44 AM

Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr. (R-CA-52) is of the opinion that being American is in one's soul, not just standing on American soil. And thus, he has concluded that we should deport the natural-born children of illegal immigrants.

As the grandson of a Chinese immigrant who used a paper name to enter the country during the time of the Chinese Exclusion Act, may I ask, 'What makes you more American than I, Sir?'

I speak English - fluently and without an accent. I have held a job, part-time or full-time, since graduation from high school. I vote. I pay my taxes.

Your soul, Sir? And how would you measure this essential quality?


The spill from the toppled Deepwater Horizon oil rig off Louisiana is getting worse, due to a secondary leak. The slick hit Louisiana last night, and is expected to reach Florida by Monday.

It could take up to 90 days to seal the leaks, during which up to 19 million gallons of oil could spill into the Gulf of Mexico - nearly double the amount spilled by the Exxon Valdez in 1989.

Anyone remember how we were being told offshore drilling was absolutely safe because nothing broke during Hurricane Katrina? How about, 'Drill, Baby, Drill!'?

Today's Totally Tasteless Remark Award goes to FOX's Brian Kilmeade's comment about musician Shakira's visit to Arizona.

"Well, we know her 'Hips Don't Lie,' but we're not sure about her lips," Kilmeade noted.

See? No racial profiling at all! We're just calling a prominent, multilingual Latina a liar.

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