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Uh-huh. What's a cubit?

Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2010 3:46 AM

I'm not sure which is more disturbing, the new anti-illegal immigration law in Arizona, or the offering of 'if you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear' as justification.

Yet a law enforcement officer is now required to ascertain a person's immigration status upon 'reasonable suspicion' that they may be an illegal immigrant. I've yet to hear a good explanation of what qualifies. Is it speaking Spanish? Standing on a street corner? Looking Hispanic?

So you don't have to be doing anything wrong - you can even be a legal immigrant or citizen - yet you could have your collar felt.

Then there's Iowa Congressional candidate Pat Bertroche, who asks why we can't microchip illegal immigrants the way we do our cats & dogs.

Hmm. Do yellow Star-of-David patches ring a bell? How about serial number tattoos?

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has declared a moratorium on any travel to Arizona for official city business, and has assembled a panel to look into the feasibility of a broader boycott of Arizona.

Wow! Explorers have found Noah's Ark!

*shwoopa* *shwoopa* *shwoopa* *ding*

Actually, no, they haven't.

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