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Rock The World

Friday, Apr. 23, 2010 3:39 AM

Yup, well, now that we've fixed healthcare and scolded Wall Street, it's time to get back to the business of blowing shit up. The Prompt Global Strike program is positioned for rapid response, just in case we learn of a movement by al-Qaeda or a sudden missile launch.

Al-Qaeda are non-state actors, meaning they aren't necessarily affiliated with a nation. So if they roll out in Kandahar, for example, who will we drop the hammer on? Afghanistan?

And would someone please tell me why, if hackers (Chinese or otherwise) are launching extensive assaults on our computer infrastructure, we're looking at a computer-operated orbital weapons platform where the final link is a satellite?

Apparently, while the new START treaty puts us on the road to Global Zero (i.e., no nuclear weapons), we're still clinging to an option for extreme force.

It's not the right time. It's too expensive. We need to start over. Obama needs to listen to us.

Sound familiar? It should. It's the GOP's chorus from the fight over healthcare reform, and now it's being trotted out for the fight over financial regulation.

If Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi is right, forget 2012. The world will end on Monday with Boobquake, a movement launched by Jen McCreight, a student at Purdue University.

In an interview earlier this month, Sedighi (why can't these guys have easier to pronounce names, like 'Pat Robertson' and 'Jerry Falwell'?) blamed a spate of evils on immodestly dressed women, including earthquakes.

You go, girl. Rock the world. (In a decidedly non-Richter Scale way.)

Here's the USGS map of recent quakes around the world.

(h/t Bindyree)

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