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A Longer Shelf Life

Thursday, Apr. 15, 2010 3:34 AM

It's another 'look, it's the Islamic crescent moon!' fake outrage from a conservative blogger on Free Republic, a columnist for the New York Post, and Fox & Friends.

Here's the logo:


So the circle with the dot is supposed to be a subtle allusion to the crescent moon-and-star used by Islamic states.

It's a hydrogen atom, ya nitwits!

The NY Post columnist goes on to say that he's not suggesting Obama is a 'secret Muslim,' but that the logo is a subtle statement or sign to Muslims, with whom America is trying to improve relations.

Speaking of nitwits, there's Sarah Palin, headlining the 'Boston Tea Party' protest and throwing out the same nonsensical chum she did on the campaign trail.

Palin goes on to say that she's not suggesting anyone is un-American, but that Obama's agenda and the results are un-American.

Got that bit of right-wing double-talk down, now? We're not saying, we're just saying we're not saying what we're saying.

State Assemblyman Leland Yee is already asking for full disclosure on the CSU Stanislaus Foundation's invitation to Palin to speak at a fundraiser. An invitation that involves negotiations for perks like a fleet of black SUV's for transportation, a luxury hotel suite, and air transport in the form of a Learjet 60 or better. (Originally reported as having been 'found in a shred pile' by students, CSU Stanislaus President Hamid Shirvani is admitting the document is legitimate, by way of saying it was stolen from the recycling bin in the office of a CSUS vice-president.)

Now State Attorney General Jerry Brown is looking into the finances of the CSU Stanislaus Foundation, as well as whether or not they violated public disclosure laws for a non-profit organization.

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