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Poll Dancing?

Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2010 3:54 AM

An FEC filing led to the disclosure of an unusual expenditure for the RNC: a close to $2,000 tab at a trendy West Hollywood strip club.

Said disclosure leaving RNC Chairman Michael Steele to explain. The answer is currently that a staffer, without Steele's knowledge, took donors to the club, then filed for reimbursement. Said staffer has since been sacked.

Now, I don't know how it works in the RNC, but when I chalk something up as a business expense, a) I have to present a receipt, and b) the controller either approves the payment on my company credit card or declines it.

There are nonetheless guidelines as to how much one can spend, and what is and is not covered.

So who turned in a receipt for Voyeur, and why was it reimbursed in the first place? No one asked questions? It may begin with a since-terminated staffer, but there are fair questions as to the judgment of RNC officials.

More details on the militia arrests made over the weekend. Members of the Christian Militia group 'Hutaree' (a word that supposedly means 'Christian Warrior,' but is from a 'private dialect' and meaningless outside the group) had planned to kill a police officer in an ambush, then disperse to pre-arranged rally points (protected with trip-wire and on-command explosives). They would regroup to strike again at the officer's funeral, and so on, to thus demoralize the minions of the evil government or whatever.

The group's leader, David Brian Stone, had apparently sought out the skills of a bomb-maker to prepare IEDs for the task, intending to execute their plans sometime next month. (April not only includes Hitler's birthday, but the anniversaries of Oklahoma City and the Branch Davidian Complex Fire.)

A self-identified 'Republican from North Carolina' took a C-SPAN host to task for letting too many black people call in on the Republican line, suggesting that the network should change their name to 'Black-Span.'

If there are this many nuts hiding in the woodwork, maybe this country has a serious case of dry rot.

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