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Monday Morning Crazy

Monday, Mar. 29, 2010 3:57 AM

A Boot to the Head to Rep. Nick Levasseur (D-New Hampshire), whose Facebook page was updated with the comment, "Anime is a prime example of why two nukes just wasn't enough."

Anime, for those late to the party, is Japanese animation, cartoons that include Pokemon and Naruto as well as Academy Award-winning films like 'Spirited Away.'

Federal agents from the FBI and ATF raided several locations in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio over the weekend. The raids may have been directed at a Christian Militia group called Hutaree.

At least three dozen people have been killed in two separate suicide bombings in the Moscow subway system. Authorities believe the two bombers, both female, may be affiliated with Chechnyan separatists.

The Department of Justice have reportedly struck a plea bargain with James O'Keefe, the 'journalist' who was last seen making an effort to record staffers at Sen. Mary Landrieu's office and/or tamper with phone lines in the building.

There's no excuse for this, folks. Clearly, Daddy & Mommy O'Keefe didn't teach their darling little boy a drop of respect for the law.

He's caught red-handed, trying to bluff their way into the phone equipment room, they have the necessary tools to implement a wiretap, and these spoiled, privileged brats are getting a misdemeanor? Shit, this isn't even the first time Jimmy the Journalist has been caught playing with his phone cam. And it's oh-so-convenient that the father of one of O'Keefe's buddies is one of the U.S. Attorneys for the state.

O'Keefe should be prosecuted as he was originally charged, with a felony that carries significant jail time and fines.

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