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Wrong, Not Misguided

Friday, Mar. 12, 2010 3:49 AM

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show and commented on Rep. Bart Stupak.

"Bart Stupak wants health care reform. This is something he understands. He's on the committee of jurisdiction for it. I don't think that he's part... that he himself would be one to say that 'I'm taking down health care reform because of it.' But I think others who are part of that, who have stronger connections to the Republican party do want to bring down the bill."

Except that's exactly what Stupak has threatened - to derail the whole package if even a single cent of federal money goes to abortion providers.

Let's be clear about this, Speaker Pelosi - injecting not only your faith, but the antiquated view that a woman has no say over her reproductive processes is not a view that the Democratic party should be championing or soft-pedaling.

And 'closer ties' to the Republican Party? Stupak is roomies with GOP notables at the C-Street domicile owned by the evangelical mystery group 'The Family.' (This is the group of saintly types that includes adulterers like Mark Sanford and John Ensign, so I'm sure they dispense sound medical advice ... yeah, like hell they do.)

Perhaps Democrats need to focus on what their goals are, rather than what they can trade away without losing political capital and still call it a win.

If you take a 5-0 lead in the first inning, it doesn't mean you can slack off, give up four runs, pat yourself on the back and call it a job well done. It doesn't mean, 'oh, well, if they tie, we'll just go to extra innings and all we have to do is score in the bottom of the 10th.'

I mean, you didn't see the Saints and quarterback Drew Brees let up in the 4th Quarter of the Super Bowl, did you? No - they kept playing a nice, tight game, advancing the ball with every play. And that's what won the game for them. Contrast that with Peyton Manning's increasingly desperate attempts to throw the ball long and pull off a miracle.

You've been in the House long enough, Madame Speaker, to understand how it works, and how the opposing team plays the game. You and Majority Leader Reid should have a solid playbook, but instead, you've built your tenure on a slipshod practice of giving up runs/yards and thinking the other side will love you more for it.

Get a frackin' clue.

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