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The Godly And God-Awful

Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2010 3:39 AM

Sarah Palin's latest excuse for her telepalmter is literally of Biblical proportions. She's citing Isaiah 49:16 - "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me." - as proof that God wrote stuff on his hand, too!

Good thing God didn't quit halfway through that first week on the job.

But seriously, folks - Sarah Palin is comparing herself to God? Or suggesting that the Christian God is fallible? Arguing that anything God does is okay for Sarah Palin to do? (Recall that God nuked a few towns, inflicted a variety of curses and plagues upon unbelievers, and told a guy named Abraham to sacrifice his son upon an altar.)

And maybe this is why Thomas Jefferson advised us to 'leave no authority existing not answerable to the people.'

Among the solutions proposed for 'fixing' some of California's worst schools (a list of which was released yesterday) are jettisoning the principal and most of the staff or closing the doors and re-opening as a charter school.

Nowhere on the list does it suggest increasing the standards for academic performance. It's all the fault of the principals and teachers, apparently, when Johnny can't read, can't spell, can't write a coherent paragraph, and has to post on internet forums asking someone else to do his frackin' homework.

Meanwhile, Johnny has a personal computer, a gaming console, a cell phone and other 'necessities.'

IMHO, if our children don't show an interest in academic excellence, it's because we're giving them everything without requiring it. And, no, I'm not talking about paying them for good grades; I'm talking about necessary life lessons in self-discipline, responsibility, and self-reliance.

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