The Ministry of Shadows

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Day of Whatever

Thursday, Mar. 04, 2010 3:44 AM

In the modern lexicon of overused phrases, let's now add: "Day of Action."

Which is what is supposed to take place at California State University campuses and other schools throughout the day, with various marches, protests, and events, in order to expose(?) the evil, evil machinations of the fee-raising Board of Regents and persuade(?) them to rethink their actions.

Or something like that.

This was, of course, preceded by last week's mini-riot along Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, where dumpsters were overturned and set on fire, storefronts vandalized, and the usual conflating of a police presence with a police state.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2010-03-04 16:51:11
I don't have a problem with any peaceful protest that ever takes place anywhere. If they'd quit urinating in the streets and smashing windows, that would be a big step toward earning my respect. Owell. Cross Reference: Monkeys will fly out my butt.