The Ministry of Shadows

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Cry-Baby Bunning?

Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2010 4:21 AM

Senator Jim Bunning continues to block an extension on unemployment benefits, stating that such benefits encourage people to not seek work.

I submit that Senator Bunning should have his salary immediately reduced to the level of unemployment benefits, because the implication is that they provide such a lavish lifestyle that you don't have to work.

Bunning also flipped the middle finger at a reporter on Monday. Class act, Jimmy.

Apparently, there are some unintended consequences from Rush Limbaugh's 'Operation Chaos' back in 2008, in which Limbaugh encouraged his listeners to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton in order to derail Barack Obama's candidacy.

And they did.

Only now, some of them are discovering they've been listed on state rolls as Democrats, and are ineligible for other things - like holding office in the local GOP.


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