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Minority Report?

Thursday, Feb. 04, 2010 3:55 AM

It's what I've come to expect from the Democrats: chronic spinelessness.

And so it continues with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi talking about the healthcare bill.

Despite promising a public option, Pelosi now questions whether or not the voters actually want single-payer or a public option (because, clearly, it's just a handful of progressive loons on the far, far left), and tosses out the old canard that there may not be the votes to make it work.


That's a majority, you worthless shrew. Don't blame it on Scott Brown beating the snot out of Martha 'Can't Be Arsed To Campaign' Coakley. Go look in the mirror. Ask Spineless Harry why he won't strip Joe Lieberman of his committee chairmanship, or why the 'Blue Dogs' - another minority faction - are allowed to run unchecked and dictate where the party goes.

And my usual admonition to the Republicans whinging about how we dare not try Umad Farouk 'Crotchbomber' Abdulmutallab in criminal court, because he'll be able to preach jihad from the witness stand or galvanize the legions of terrorists hiding in the walls.

Grow the fuck up.

Abdulmutallab is not a super-villain. He doesn't have heat vision, super-strength, an adamantium-laced skeleton, or sinister mind-control powers. He's a terrorist, and, by all measures, incompetent. He failed in his mission, and then he sang to the feds. No one is going to be listening to him and finding inspiration.

Stop conflating these idiots into jihadist Godzillas.

It also seems as if the Obama Administration has inherited another trait from his predecessor. When things go sour, trot out the Homeland Security sideshow and talk about the high probability of a domestic terrorist attack in the next few months.

So there's a threat. Are we prepared to handle it, and, if not ... why not? What makes this threat any different or more serious than the numerous threats by Osama bin YouTube?

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