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Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
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Friday, Jan. 22, 2010 3:57 AM

Air America, the liberal 'answer' to conservative talk radio, has gone bankrupt and ceased operation.

And that should tell you it's not about the 'free marketplace' - it's always been the difference between a well-funded media machine and the young upstart. It's like expecting a college radio station to knock off Sirius or XM - it ain't gonna happen.

ABC News reported earlier this week that a major manufacturer of rifle sights used by the U.S. Military - and, thus, in areas of the Middle East - included references to Scripture in their model numbers, including John 8:12, "I am the light of the world. He who follows me will never walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

Nothing shows Christian love and the sanctity of life like putting Scripture on a rifle sight.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for CENTCOM remarked that they didn't see why it was a big deal, or why it was different than having 'In God We Trust' on our money.

You're right. Take it off our money, too.

The Supreme Court's ruling on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission basically gives corporations the right to spend unlimited amounts of cash on smear pieces.

The suit was filed in objection to provisions of the McCain-Feingold Act, which prohibits specific types of corporate-funded communications within 30 days of a primary, and 60 days of a general, election. This kept the Citizens United hit piece on Hillary Clinton from being distributed via video-on-demand.

But now, thanks to the Supreme Court, those strictures no longer apply, and it's possible for corporate-backed groups - including non-profits - to leverage cash into election results.

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