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Off The Table? Off Their Rockers!

Friday, Dec. 11, 2009 4:09 AM

The White House thinks we should just forget about poor little John Yoo, the U.C. Berkeley law professor who penned a memo that became the underpinning of the Bush Administration's practice of torture.

Which tells me the Obama Administration is simply going to sweep it all under the carpet and pretend it never happened.

Senate Majority 'Spineless' Harry Reid continues his flawless record of fainting in the face of opposition, as he and that two-faced harridan, Nancy Pelosi, surrendered on the public option in the healthcare reform debate.

Oh, but wait! Reid tells us he's got something better than a public option! They'll offer a premium-based Medicaid/Medicare subscription! (This sounds like the same nonsense behind school vouchers - take the load from a broken and hamstrung system, and dump it into one that works. Look, ma, we're doing something!)

Yeah, that makes sense.

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