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Wisdom for the Ages?

Monday, Dec. 07, 2009 4:21 AM

Ah, Christmas. Baby Jesus. The three Wise Men bearing gifts.

Clearly, not numbered among the three sages is Russell Wiseman, the mayor of Arlington, Tennessee, whose family tradition includes sitting down with the kids to watch "A Charlie Brown Christmas."

Only this year, it was pre-empted by President Obama's speech at West Point.

Which led Mayor Wiseman to complain via his Facebook page that it was a conspiracy by our 'muslim' president, and that the whole black president thing wouldn't even be an issue if blacks were still forbidden to own property, as it was back in the day of the 'original Constitution.'

We know Sarah Palin flitted from college to college trying to find herself or whatever. But while she claims she left Hawaii because there was 'too much sunshine,' the other book about the former governor, "Sarah From Alaska," notes that her father says Sarah left Hawaii because there were too many ... um ... Hawaiians.

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