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Fear Makes You Stupid

Monday, Nov. 16, 2009 3:52 AM

It's time for America (or at least certain parts of it) to get a grip.

With the announcement by Attorney General Eric Holder of trials for key figures involved in 9/11, trials that would be held in New York City, conservative pundits and Republican lawmakers pretty much spent the weekend wetting themselves on the airwaves.

There's all sorts of wailing and gnashing of teeth going on, from Sen. Kit Bond (R-Missouri) opining that the suspects don't deserve Constitutional protections, to the trials providing a platform for terrorist propaganda that will put NYC at risk.

At risk from WHAT? Heretofore invisible zombie converts from the mysterious Islamo-mind-control ray wielded out of Khalid Sheik Mohammed's ass? If KSM is so influential and so scaaaaaaary, why would his followers wait until he was on trial? Why not a progressive campaign of terror over the past eight years?

Have you seen New York during a security alert? There are police armed with assault rifles patrolling the streets. Are conservatives suggesting that waves of secret Muslim radicals will overpower the police, plus the FBI, elude the CIA and the whole of our color-coded national security apparatus to attack New York a second time?

And aren't the Republicans the folks who like to hammer the 'rule of law' line? Except, apparently, when it's foreign nationals suspected of terrorism.

Or perhaps they're afraid that the terrorists will enjoy an O.J. Simpson/Johnnie Cochran moment - 'If the glove don't fit ...' Or that the judge will be overwhelmed with sympathy because KSM was tortured, so he should be paid reparations and let go or something.

Fear makes you stupid.

It's time for conservatives to man up, get a clue, get real, and stop hiding under the bed. It's impossible to be fighting terrorism when you're peeing your pants at the suggestion of putting suspects on trial.

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