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Leave No Authority Standing ...

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009 3:45 AM

Senator Joe Lieberman also offered his opinion about Major Nidal Hassan and the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas.

Lieberman's 20-20 hindsight is in full play as he notes there may have been warning signs about Major Hassan and that the military should have a zero-tolerance policy in effect.

Zero-tolerance for what? Religious ideology? Muslims in the military?

And how, exactly, would scrutinizing open expression of doubt, faith, and/or political views make our troops (or anywhere else) more safe? Wouldn't it have the exact opposite effect - forcing the most violent and at-risk people to conceal their thoughts and motives even more?

And what kind of religious affiliation would be deemed acceptable?

Speaking of which, former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, speaking at an event in Wisconsin, mused about the placement of the words, 'In God We Trust' on newer U.S. coins - along the edge of the coin.

"It's a disturbing trend," she told her audience, implying that it's the fault of godless liberalfascistsociocommies.

The design of the 'new' coins were determined during the Bush Administration and under a Republican-majority Congress.

The Democratic 'victory' of having the House approve the healthcare reform bill came with the price tag of the Stupak Amendment, which restricts the use of federal funds to pay for abortions.

That amendment was crafted at the behest of Catholic Bishops.

Now, the conventional wisdom, given the concept of separation of church and state, is that if the church wants to play politics, they should pay taxes.

It occurs to me that it's not about taxes. I don't particularly want anyone's religious dogma being codified as law.

As Thomas Jefferson noted, "Leave no authority standing not answerable to man."

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