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Inmates Running The Asylum

Monday, Nov. 09, 2009 3:49 AM

The Democrats are busy congratulating themselves on getting a healthcare reform bill through Congress. It now moves to the Senate, where we can count on folks like Joe 'Caucuses With Democrats' Lieberman, who has said he'll join the GOP Filibuster on the issue.

Lieberman joins Rep. Michelle 'Let's March On The Capitol' Bachmann, Rep. John 'Declaration, Constitution, What's The Difference?' Boehner, and Sen. Steve 'Let's TP The Capitol Building' King.

When I was growing up, most parents made it quite clear that juvenile antics and childish tantrums would get you absolutely nothing. Now, it seems to be standard operating procedure in Washington, D.C. ... and I'm wondering why any of us are sitting here expecting anything productive to come of it.

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