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Bridge Out

Thursday, Oct. 29, 2009 2:45 AM

Some thoughts on the San Francisco Bay Bridge closure as transit officials scrambled to put additional trains, buses, and ferry boats into play.

Shouldn't this be part of a standing emergency response plan for the Bay Area? Why does it sound like transit agencies were completely blindsided by this event?

A common observation about Wednesday morning's commute was that drivers had six months to plan ahead for the Bay Bridge closure over the Labor Day weekend, and that they simply weren't prepared for the present closure.

What kind of padded corner lifestyle have we devolved into living, where we're incapable of adjusting to change? Come on, people - a simple traffic accident can put the screws to the morning commute. Y'all ought to know how to get up an hour earlier and take an alternate route if you have to.

Today's historical perspective is that we just observed the 20th Anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, and we still haven't completed the replacement for the damaged eastern span of the Bay Bridge. That's still 3-4 years out.

Yes, I know planners wanted a design that would accomodate population growth, and that other officials wanted a 'world class bridge' to dress up the Oakland side of things.

Twenty plus years? Really?

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