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Cui Bono?

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2009 3:49 AM

Before any of my fellow Democrats go applauding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for pushing through the 'opt-out' clause as opposed to a 'trigger' favored by Republicans, I'll believe it when I see it.

I've heard way too many promises from Reid, only to watch him fold faster than a worn-out origami duck.

And we're talking about legislation that is slated to take effect in 2013 - potentially in another, possibly even Republican, administration. Congress couldn't hand $750 Billion out fast enough when they thought their buddies on Wall Street were going to end up sitting on the curb with tin cups. But fix healthcare for billions of Americans? Take a fucking number, we're busy.

There's speculation that a ranking Democrat (namely, Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii) may seek to strip or revise Sen. Al Franken's amendment barring automatic arbitration for employees of defense contractors in instances involving rape.

The objection is that this would open contractors to costly lawsuits and be bad for business.

Personally, I don't think we should be doing business with a corporation in the habit of shielding rapists.

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