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The Voice of Millions?

Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009 4:24 AM

Okay, so why isn't anyone asking about the underlying logic of the AHIP report on healthcare reform, which concludes that costs will actually rise if the legislation goes through?

That logic being: a broken system costs you less and is better for America.

Remember, we have time to push for 40,000 extra troops in Afghanistan, a war we've been fighting for eight years. And, for longer than that, the GOP hasn't seen fit to find time to address the issue of healthcare since they spiked it back during the Clinton Administration. "Sensible" people like Max Baucus are being advised by former insurance company executives.

So, okay - the insurance companies certainly have a stake in the question, but they're able to pump millions of dollars into lobbying. Who speaks for us? Isn't that the point of voting - that it is the private citizen who chooses an elected representative, and not a faceless corporation?

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