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Kirk Cameron's Crockoshit

Thursday, Sept. 24, 2009 3:17 AM

I get in my car to go to work this morning and cross one of the divots left by ongoing re-paving of a nearby street ... and start to hear this grinding/dragging sound under my car.

Looks like part of the protective plating that goes under the car has worked or broken loose (I regularly park in a space where the pavement scrapes against the bottom of the car, and that's probably contributed to things).

Hopefully, it won't be a major expense to get this fixed.

Meanwhile, evangelical/creationist/washed-up actor Kirk Cameron has decided those darned atheists are making HIS life miserable, so he's going to fight back.

Cameron posted a video to YouTube, outlining his plan to take Darwin's On The Origin of Species and append 50 pages of 'corrective' material (Darwin's text is in the public domain, so there's no worry about copyright) - including passages that point out Hitler used Darwin's theories to support the whole 'master race' concept, that Darwin hated blacks, etc., etc., and so forth.

Cameron and his supporters intend to visit 50 different college campuses on November 19th, just ahead of 'Darwin Day' on November 22nd, and hand out 50,000 copies of his amended book, to bring the truth to students who are apparently being brainwashed by legions of atheist professors.

Now, in case you're not aware of Cameron's towering intellectual might, he's forwarded other arguments in favor of Creation over evolution such as:

- Bananas. See how perfectly the banana fits your hand? See how the stem allows for easy peeling of the fruit? That's CLEAR PROOF that God made man, since He also made bananas.

- The Crocoduck. Well, obviously, if life arose from a random collision of molecules, then there should be, just by the laws of probability, a crocoduck wandering about somewhere. Why, if those dastardly evolution-believing atheists would just produce a crocoduck, Cameron and his friends would shut up.

A Boot to the Head for CBS, which aired a portion of a 911 call from a woman who was trapped in her car and subsequently drowned in the recent flooding in Georgia.

Really? That's newsworthy? Listening to someone panicking as they're about to drown?

I mean, come on. News outlets generally make an effort not to show excessive blood and gore at an accident or crime scene, so why would you air a woman's dying moments?

And what were the authorities thinking when they released the tape in the first place?

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