The Ministry of Shadows

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Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2009 3:55 AM

Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, who drew notice just over a week ago with an excerpt from his forthcoming book on how he was pressured to raise the threat level for political purposes ... now says that wasn't actually the case, nor did he mean to suggest such.

Our ability to handle a terrorism is still severely crippled by the fact that there's no practical response to vague terrorist threats. It's a fine line between being 'more aware' and 'paranoid,' and our perceptions are skewed by preconceptions as to what a terrorist looks/sounds like.

But we need to be something more than the Eloi, dutifully marching off to the shelters whenever the Morlocks sound the air-raid sirens.

And perhaps a man who can't make up his mind as to whether or not he was being pressured to fiddle with threat levels isn't the best person to lead this dialogue.

Ugh. The Mouse is buying up Marvel Entertainment in a $4 billion deal.

That's not supposed to impact existing contracts in place for the 'Avengers' series of films planned over the next 3-4 years, nor will it displace the Marvel heroes showcased at Universal Studios Orlando.

Color me skeptical.

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