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Dobbs & Ends?

Wednesday, Jul. 29, 2009 3:48 AM

One wonders if Lou Dobbs understands that he's been taking an axe to his own journalistic credibility and working overtime, to boot.

Dobbs is maintaining the 'legitimacy' of the birth certificate conspiracy theory, while lashing out at critics such as MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, whom Dobbs called, 'the tea-bagging queen.' (One gathers because Maddow had the temerity to report on the teabag protesting crowd and their FOX News Channel enablers.)

Dobbs' other excuse is that he's 'never said Obama wasn't a citizen,' but doesn't understand why he just doesn't whip out the ol' birth certificate and end the controversy.

Because it's as much a 'controversy' as whether or not we actually walked on the moon. Once you scratch the surface, it's not a question of veracity - it's an endless chain of co-conspirators, cover-ups, missing evidence, and 'obvious' facts, usually presented by people who aren't all that tightly-wrapped to begin with (like 'lawyer' Orly Taitz).

Of course, Dobbs has an opinion about what should happen if Obama were proven not to be a citizen: everything he's done as president is illegal.

So, what would that undo? The bank bailout? The auto company restructuring? Obama's executive order pertaining to torture? His declining to release further photos from Abu Ghraib? His hesitance to seek prosecution of Bush Administration officials for those policies on torture? Committing more troops to Afghanistan while honoring our status-of-forces agreement with Iraq?

And, again - this isn't a beauty pageant. John McCain and Sarah Palin aren't the runners-up, and don't ascend to office if Obama were to be declared ineligible. Vice-President Joe Biden would take office, and it's doubtful he'd change a thing.

Not to mention that, if the substantive argument is that Obama's actions constitute an illegal order and should be undone, there will be no big to-do in the Supreme Court, no painstaking step-by-step review - the legitimate National Command Authority, which would be Joe Biden, will reassert the order. End of story.

There really is nothing 'legitimate' here - it's a conspiracy theory that conveniently ignores that the election was certified by Congress. There will be no dramatic change of leadership, no sudden reversals of policy.

Dobbs is looking every bit as silly as Dan Rather did when he put his 'journalistic integrity' on the line for documents that turned out to be forged and sourced to ... yup, a conspiracy theorist loon.

The birther nonsense has further been rendered irrelevant by HR 593, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Hawaii's statehood, which proclaims Hawaii as the birthplace of President Barack Obama.

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