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Neutral Zone?

Wednesday, Jul. 15, 2009 3:51 AM

Eugene Robinson over at the Washington Post takes on the GOP's attack line over the confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotamayor.

Who ever said the default, neutral setting was 'white male'?

Bruce Schneier has the right perspective on the cyberattacks that took place over the 4th of July weekend.

If it was that easy, and that damaging, it suggests we're doing something wrong.

Governor Schwarzenegger, unable to bully the State Legislature into coming up with a budget, is going to bully BART unions instead - stating that he will not authorize a 60-day cooling off period and expects all parties to remain at the table until the contract is settled.

Army Major Stephen Frederick Cook, slated to deploy to Afghanistan, is refusing to go. Cook claims that President Obama isn't a natural-born citizen, therefore, he can't be president, therefore, such orders are illegal.

The Army is rescinding Cook's deployment order because Cook is a reserve officer who volunteered for an active-duty slot. Therefore, his refusal is being taken as changing his mind about voluntary service, rather than disobeying a direct order in a time of war.

It's clear that Cook is trying to put legs on the nonsense that Obama isn't a citizen. We're already engaged in military action in Afghanistan and have been since 2001, so a refusal either implies that Cook regards our continued presence as illegal, or the original orders from President George W. Bush as illegal as well.

A few words for the people who think that would magically remove Obama from the Oval Office: Vice-President Joseph Biden, who was lawfully elected and sworn-in, would legally complete the term of office of the president upon Obama's death, incapacitation, or inability to do so. (Next in line would be President pro tem of the Senate, Sen. Robert Byrd; then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.) The election was not a beauty pageant in which John McCain and Sarah Palin became the runners-up by coming in second.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Katherine - 2009-07-15 15:53:31
I just added you to my favorites. I read you often and should have done it a long time ago, but in the end if was the beauty pageant remark that pushed me over the edge--thank goodness McCain and (ap)Pal(l)in(g) are, indeed, not first runners up!