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Christian Nonsense

Monday, Jul. 13, 2009 3:56 AM

Texas Governor Rick Perry may be considering the appointment of Cynthia Dunbar as head of the Texas State School Board.

This is newsworthy because Dunbar is a Creationist who also believes that the founding fathers created 'an emphatically Christian government,' and that government should be guided by a 'Biblical litmus test.' Dunbar also says that, "... any person desiring to govern have a sincere knowledge and appreciation for the Word of God in order to rightly govern."

Dunbar has also called public education a 'subtle tool of perversion' and home-schooled her own children.

Senator John McCain was on Meet The Press this weekend to spin his former running mate's decision to quit her job as Alaska Governor as something a leader would do.

But the laughable part was that McCain tried to suggest that Palin's election was not an implicit promise to serve out a full term.

The New York Times tells us of a new report that finds the extensive, secret and illegal wiretaps conducted by the Bush Administration produced little of value.

Gosh, what a surprise.

The question to be asked now is - seeing as the surveillance program has been shown to be ineffective/unproductive - if it has not been wholly discontinued (unlikely since the Republicans browbeat chronic jellyfish like Pelosi, Reid, and Hoyer into accepting revisions to FISA), what is it now being used for?

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