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Palin Fizzles Out

Monday, Jul. 06, 2009 3:58 AM

The Fourth of July weekend began with Sarah Palin doing her Piccolo Pete imitation - a shrill noise followed by an explosion, laughter, and a smattering of applause.

In a rambling, disjointed speech replete with bungled metaphors and folksy wisdom, Palin likened herself to a basketball point guard knowing when to pass the ball. Teamwork. Yet she insisted later that this is her answering a 'higher calling.'

She spoke about 'sit down and shut up' as being the quitter's way out, yet she's the one walking out the door.

And, true to form, Palin blamed everyone from the 'gotcha media' to local bloggers for her problems. It's all those darned accusations of corruption and ethics violations, dontcha know, also, though. (So when it comes to Princess Sarah of Wasilla, such accusations are unfair; but it's perfectly fine to fling accusations about an opponent's birth certificate and 'palling around with terrorists.')

Then, over the holiday weekend, Palin's lawyer indulged in some stern finger-waggling at said bloggers and media, accusing them of defamation for reporting 'rumor' as 'fact' - or, in the case of the NYT and Washington Post, even thinking in those directions.

But, just as it seems she didn't want to listen to McCain's PR staff, Sarah has her own ideas about how to catapult the propaganda - by launching her 'higher calling' into the Friday news hole (the term for a news item that breaks on Friday afternoon, when people are traditionally focused on the weekend) on a holiday weekend followed by the funeral and memorial of Michael Jackson.

The leading theory for Palin's resignation is 'pending indictments' pertaining to the Palin's luxurious home on Lake Lucille being made as a kickback for the Wasilla Sports Complex.

But wouldn't it be interesting if Sarah Palin was one of the 'other women' Mark Sanford had 'crossed the line, but not the ultimate line' with? Remember, he was the head of the Republican Governor's Association, and he's already lied about the extent and nature of his infidelities.

Edited to add:Sanford has also tried to play the 'Christian faith' card, refusing to resign because King David slept with another man's wife, and he didn't resign. He had a higher calling, or Sanford needed to set an example for his kids, or some other nonsense that is echoed by Palin's speech.

Sure, there doesn't have to be a scandal, but the resignation speech was so badly planned and executed, one is naturally curious about the reasons behind it.

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