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Judge to Mehserle: It's Murder

Friday, Jun. 05, 2009 4:06 AM

Congratulations to the Giants' Randy Johnson on his 300th Career Win. Nice job, Big Unit.

Former BART Police officer Johannes Mehserle will be standing trial for the murder of Oscar Grant on New Year's Eve.

Despite testimony that Mehserle intended to draw his Taser to subdue Grant, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Don Clay said, "There is no doubt in my mind Mr. Mehserle meant to shoot Oscar Grant with a gun, not a Taser."

He also noted, "It's a dangerous act, an intentional act, a deliberate act."

A key point in the trial will be Mehserle's mindset - which the judge stipulates can only be testified to by Mehserle himself - and his training with the Taser.

The case is the first time a peace officer has been charged with murder in the state of California.

Can someone tell me why Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice-President has any credibility and continues to make the rounds in an effort to justify torture and/or link 9/11 to Iraq? (The latter even though her father recently tried to spin that there was no link, when he's spent most of his waking moments since 9/11 pitching one.)

Not much to be said about the death of actor David Carradine other than it's a tragedy.

The Ministry has received 2 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-06-05 12:06:11
Since Randy Johnson plays for the Giants, does that make him Big Giant Unit? :-)

Minister - 2009-06-05 18:22:03
That's better than 'Big Unit, Giant' ...