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Safe From What?

Friday, May. 29, 2009 3:37 AM

Former President George W. Bush crawled out from whatever rock he's been hiding under to address the Economic Club of Southwest Michigan, defending his administration's policy of torture and waxing poetic about his legacy.

"The first thing you do is ask, what's legal?" Bush explained. "What do the lawyers say is possible?"

Which completely ignores the fact that waterboarding was never within the scope of legal options. Asking the question 'what's legal' yields the result: waterboarding isn't.

And, in general terms, we only seek counsel when we're afraid our actions will either offend or are ill-advised. The Bush Administration's shopping around for 'moral clarity' needs to be called what it is: bullshit.

So we're left with Bush's pathetic self-justification that these techniques 'saved lives,' even though we didn't capture Khalid Sheik Mohammed until March of 2003, and spent at least a month waterboarding him. Not quite the 'terrorists under every floorboard' situation that the torture apologists like to paint.

As to his eventual legacy, Bush remarked, "Well, I hope it is this: The man showed up with a set of principles, and he was unwilling to compromise his soul for the sake of popularity."

Principles? Unwilling to compromise your soul? You're a fucking war criminal, George. An incompetent bumbler on whose watch 9/11 took place, New Orleans was flooded out, and our economy crashed while you stood there and did nothing.

Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo has his shovel firmly in hand, not only reiterating his claim that Judge Sonia Sotamayor is racist, but describing the National Council of La Raza as 'the Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses.'

File this under the Bush Administration's mantra of 'keeping us safe.'

Federal investigators were so snowed under with background checks that as many as 53 investigators and contract investigators falsified their reports.

Heckuva job there, guys.

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