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Mancow on Torture

Monday, May. 25, 2009 3:50 AM

Chicago radio personality Erich 'Mancow' Muller had himself waterboarded on-air during his Friday morning broadcast.

Mancow was originally of the opinion that waterboarding did not constitute torture, so he proposed the demonstration to prove as much. The procedure was administered by Marine Sergeant Clay South, with paramedics standing by.

Mancow lasted all of 7 seconds before signalling a halt.

"It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your nose with your head back...It was instantaneous...and I don't want to say this: absolutely torture," he concluded.

Accordingly, Keith Olbermann took FOX News' Sean Hannity to task, calling him irrelevant and withdrawing his offer to pay Hannity $1,000 per second if Hannity went forward with his own proposal to have himself 'waterboarded for charity.'

Instead, Olbermann will be donating $10,000 to a charity selected by Mancow, Veterans for Valor.

Tomorrow, the California Supreme Court is supposed to announce its ruling on Proposition 8, the measure which would change the state constitution to define marriage as being solely between a man and a woman.

So if the court upholds Proposition 8, I can't wait for more religious flimflammery to inform our laws. Let's have dietary restrictions next, or perhaps we need to replace lethal injection with crucifixion. Maybe we should adopt the rest of the strictures from Leviticus.

And if the court overturns the measure, I'm sure we'll hear no end of whining about activist judges defying the will of the people, and how this is going to destroy American families and American values, followed by another attempt to get this back on the ballot.

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