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However It Runs ...

Monday, May. 18, 2009 3:55 AM

Via the Huffington Post, an item tossed into the weekend news hole (that's where a story is broken late Friday afternoon, and it dies from neglect over the weekend, because by Monday, we're all tits-a-flutter about the next big story) - former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld routinely prefixed his 'Worldwide Intelligence Briefings' with quotes from the Bible.

Quotes, naturally, that support not only the waging of a 'just war' against the evildoers responsible for 9/11, including Saddam Hussein (even though Saddam had no WMDs, no program to obtain or develop them, and no connection to 9/11), but cast the Bush Administration as acting on behalf of God.

This is why our founding fathers saw fit to create a 'wall of separation' between Church and State. It is not to deny the recognition of a deity or their perceived blessings, but to prevent us from confusing a crown (or any other badge of office) for a halo.

As Rudyard Kipling put forth in his poem Macdonough's Song, "For Holy State (we have lived to learn) / Endeth in Holy War."

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