The Ministry of Shadows

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A Fine Mess

Monday, May. 04, 2009 3:51 AM

From the I Told You So Department, senior American officials are now concerned about the security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal - because we don't know where the warheads are stored, or have an honest appraisal of Pakistan's security procedures.

Back when the Bush Administration was agitating for a fight with Saddam, I repeatedly pointed out that the more immediate threat was Pakistan's tested and deployable nuclear weapons, and the fact that we were basically displacing the Taliban and putting them on Pakistan's borders.

The Taliban has used the past eight years to secure a power base, winning political offices and concessions from the new government - which doesn't exactly like the United States. (With good cause - we supported a military coup by Pervez Musharraf, then tried to supplant him with Benazir Bhutto.)

Which brings me to my second point - it doesn't take a coup, just a believer with a key. You'd think that conservatives who are busy clutching their knickers over the imagined invasion of Islamic fundamentalists and the current fascist-this, socialist-that craze would understand this.

It should be clear that Condoleezza Rice is the featured performer in the latest round of the Bush Administration's choir practice. Her pat answer - that they were concerned about protecting the country, that they didn't want to break the law, and that they were told waterboarding was legal - is nonsense.

I'm to believe that no one in the Administration had any ethical or moral objections to the process once a legal justification was crafted?

No one?

Never mind that if you're looking for a legal justification, you're fully cognizant that your actions are, at the very least, on the questionable side.

'They told me it was okay,' is a weak excuse when you're an eight year-old. It's unforgiveable when you're the former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State.

There's bound to be some fun and confusion at work today - over the weekend, a new video routing switcher was installed, and smaller monitors replaced with a giant, multiplexed flat-screen.

So the weekday crew left on Friday with the old system in place, and come in today with the new system in place ...

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-05-04 15:18:30
Oh geez, have fun at work today!