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Common Sense vs. Panic

Friday, May. 01, 2009 3:47 AM

Amid all the fuss over the Swine Flu, has anyone noticed that the salient advice from experts - wash your hands with soap and hot water; cover your mouth when you cough/sneeze; if you're sick, stay home - is what previous generations called common sense?

Supreme Court Justice David Souter has announced his retirement, creating a vacancy for President Obama to fill.

Souter was appointed to the Supreme Court by President George H.W. Bush.

Ali al-Marri, a suspected terrorist with alleged connections to Khalid Shiek Mohammed and 9/11, is pleading guilty to a charge of providing material support to a foreign terrorist group (al-Qaeda).

Al-Marri was arrested in 2001, and designated an enemy combatant by the Bush Administration in 2003. He was held in a naval brig in South Carolina for more than five years, and transferred to a federal penitentiary after his indictment by a federal grand jury. His lawyers maintain that he was tortured while in military custody.

So apparently this guy was so dangerous that we couldn't put him on trial for nearly eight years, even though he's been in custody the entire time.

Virginia Senator Robert Byrd neatly sums up the challenge - and responsibility - we have to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the policy of torture during the Bush Administration.

I can't say I'd recommend this as the best way to get out of jury duty ...

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