The Ministry of Shadows

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Friday, Jan. 20, 2012

What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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Monday, Nov. 21, 2011

Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

Beware of Asteroids
Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2011


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We Are Not Amused

Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2009 3:56 AM

It's no joke if your system happens to be compromised by the Conficker worm or one of its variants, as today is its programmed trigger date.

Still, the simplest and most effective way of protecting your system and your data is to make sure your anti-virus software and OS are up to date, and that you have a backup of critical data.

Late Show host David Letterman says it succinctly when he tells FOX News' Bill O'Reilly that he thinks of him as a goon.

From the Why Are We Hiding If It's Not A Crime Department, a Washington Post article about a member of the Khmer Rouge originally cited the use of waterboarding as torture.

The online article, by Post reporter Tim Johnson, has since had the reference removed.

Sorry, no April Fool's Joke today. I'm just not inspired by a tanking economy, conservative wackaloons preaching sedition and armed rebellion, a potential strike at my wife's workplace, and the probability of layoffs at my workplace later in the year. (It was a year-and-a-day since the last swing of the hatchet 'round these parts, and I wasn't in a joking mood then, either.)

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