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Green Enough?

Monday, Mar. 30, 2009 7:11 AM

So Saturday brought us the bit of environmental correctness called 'Earth Hour,' in which dutiful humans were supposed to turn off all non-essential lights and appliances in order to realize an enormous wealth of savings and reduce the ol' carbon footprint.

But what's non-essential? If I turn off the television, computer, and Playstation 3, can I turn on a light to read a book, or is that 'non-essential,' because I can theoretically read during the day?

Here's the thing that drives me nuts about the green craze. You can change all the lightbulbs in your home to CFL's or LEDs. You can replace your paper products with recycled ones. You can use environmentally-friendly soaps and detergents. You can be energy-conscious and not leave lights on all over the house.

And it's still not enough. There's always someone asking you to give up more, or do more. And if you don't, you're some kind of pollution-belching troglodyte.

Case in point, San Francisco Supervisor Aaron Peskin's proposal to fine businesses that leave non-emergency lights on after work hours.

Because garbage cans empty themselves, nobody works at night, and offices have light switches every five feet, so you're not lighting up a quarter of the floor just so you can use your desk.

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