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Do You Want Fries With That?

Thursday, Mar. 12, 2009 3:53 AM

Circumstances brought me to the Denny's on Mission Street in Downtown San Francisco this morning. I'm greeted by friendly staff.

Except that they either don't know the cash register and/or can't speak a drop of English. I place an order, and the words don't even make sense to the young man taking it - I had to point it out on the menu. That's not a fatal error - it's 3:30 AM, and I can understand not being fully awake or alert.

The waiter then turns to the page listing side orders and points out that I can change the sides with my breakfast if I'd like. I ask if it's possible to replace the pancakes with some bacon.

"You want french fries?" he asks.

At which point, I said, "Forget it, you can't speak English," and left.

I'm not beating the 'English Only' drum, but I don't think it's asking too much to demonstrate some basic proficiency with the language.

Yesterday, FOX News' Sean Hannity proudly declared that, "My attitude is that if we capture an enemy combatant in the battlefield -- or we can use Osama bin Laden -- who may have information about a pending attack. You know what, I don't have any problem taking his head sticking it underwater and scaring the living daylights out of him and making him think we're drowning him and I'm a Christian."

No, Sir, you are not a Christian. You're a thug. If it hasn't registered in that pin-sized divot that passes for your skull, Christ Jesus was tortured for political purposes because he was 'too dangerous' to be allowed to spread his teachings.

From the Gee, What A Surprise Department: Bristol Palin and her boyfriend, Levi Johnston, have broken up.

Levi, who was dutifully dressed up and trotted out for photo ops after the McCain/Palin Campaign chided the media for making Bristol's pregnancy a story, says they broke up some time ago.

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