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You Are Dumb

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The Myth of Bipartisanship

Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2009 3:59 AM

The problem with the concept of bipartisanship is that it implies one or both sides have the correct or valid answers to any given problem, when, in fact, it's like driving a wagon north while one horse pulls left and the other horse pulls right.

You never get where you set out to go.

The answer is to do what's right, and Bipartisanship will follow; not try to manage some ass-backwards compromise, laud it as bipartisan cooperation, and hope you got things right. That's just serving up a shit sandwich and expecting people to compliment you on your cooking.

There's some Grammy Night drama as more details emerge about singer Chris Brown's arrest for assaulting an unnamed woman prior to the show, and Rihanna's absence from the awards show.

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Rihanna is, in fact, the woman that Brown had assaulted, with severe contusions on her forehead and bite/bruise marks on her arms.

Strangely enough, it's also being reported that Rihanna is declining to press charges against Brown.

Brown may be talented, successful, good-looking, and wealthy, but when it comes down to it - he's just a punk and a thug.

Dumb Question of the Week is from Katie Couric's interview with US Airways pilot Chesley Sullenberger.

"Did you pray?"

Right. You're flying a plane that has no engine power, and it's a choice between attempting a precise maneuver to ditch in the Hudson or engage in some drastic urban renewal en route to Teterboro Airport, and you're going to stop and pray?

Credit where credit is due, please. You can envision God working whatever miracles you want, but it was the skill of Captain Sullenberger and his level-headed crew that made it work. To even imply that the landing was the Hand of God and not the work of human hands is insulting to a man who has been a pilot for most of his adult life and trained for this moment. Would that others whom we look to for leadership and guidance were to demonstrate the same quiet competence and humility, not just when the chips are down, but on a daily basis.

We're supposed to have faith that good things happen for no particular reason (or at least reasons we're unable to discern), and understand that God's Design is so subtle and long-term that the fate of Flight 1549 could have been determined when a young man named Chesley Sullenberger joined the Air Force. We should encourage and celebrate each other's skills and strengths, and give glory to God through our actions, not through mindless deity-flavored hero worship or trying to garner fame and favor by waving God's name about like a rally cap at a ballgame.

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