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Jobs & Numbers

Monday, Feb. 09, 2009 3:46 AM

While Michael Steele isn't the president, his second week on the job is shaping up to be much like his first - make the rounds of Sunday news programs and wax poetic about tax cuts.

Because we know tax cuts will fix everything.

And, according to Steele, government jobs aren't actually jobs, they're contracts. And since contracts expire with no guarantee of continued work, well, those jobs aren't really stimulus, because the money paid out goes into some magical black hole and gets spent on the cosmic equivalent cheap hookers and blow, rather than enter the economy.

I'm sure my colleagues who work as regular 'casual' employees - with no guarantee of continued work - will appreciate the fact that the Republicans don't think they're actually holding down a job.

Jobs, Steele maintains, are when small businesses hire more people. So instead of the government hiring people to fix the country's infrastructure, small businesses are supposed to magically appear and take care of our federal and state highways and large-scale projects?

It's simple. If a construction worker is actually employed, even on a project-to-project basis, it's work. It's a job, Steele - they earn a paycheck and take that money home to their families, to pay their bills, provide for entertainment and luxuries, and even save or invest.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in San Francisco and promised accountability in regards to the stimulus bill.

Well, ain't that just grand. Where were you when the Bush Administration was steaming over its own towline? And why should I believe you when the Democrats continue to roll over and beg for cookies from the Republicans?

Stand up, put the bill on the floor, and make Republicans vote against it. Don't water it down and call it bipartisanship, don't stuff it full of pet projects, don't waffle.

Think of it as the Titanic. The ship is going down. The Democrats are saying we need to get to the lifeboats, and the Republicans are saying we need to keep bailing water, even as the deck tilts another 10 degrees. Are you going to dither and say, "Well, in the spirit of bipartisanship, we're only going to launch half the lifeboats, and ask everyone who's left to go below decks and form a bucket brigade."?

Bishop Richard Williamson, whom the Vatican (i.e. Pope Benedict XVI) has reinstated despite his denial of the Holocaust, still hasn't retracted his statements.

Bishop Williamson says he will change his mind if evidence is presented, but has refused a suggestion that he visit Auschwitz, and says that 'examining the evidence will take time.'

Williamson disputes that Jews were gassed, and that only 200,000-300,000 Jews were actually killed in Nazi Germany's concentration camps.

Only 200,000. As if that's acceptable, or less terrible.

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