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Look, Ma! No Spine!

Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009 3:59 AM

As the Republicans whine and cajole in an attempt to remain relevant, and as Democrats jump through various hoops and perform their magical melting spine act in the spirit of bipartisanship, it should be noted that the Democrats are, once again, conceding an argument they don't need to.

Because the CBO report that Republicans have been frothing about doesn't exist. At least not in the form they'd like you to believe.

The talking point this past week has been that the bulk of the new stimulus bill wouldn't be spent until 2011. That didn't come from a CBO report, but from preliminary figures on an earlier draft of the stimulus bill - figures that are no longer correct or relevant.

But the Republicans, on whose watch the economy collapsed, on whose watch billions were handed out to corporate executives, now want us to believe that they are responsible stewards of our tax dollars by doing what they've done for the past eight years: cherry-pick data and lie about key reports.

And the Democrats' solution is to offer compromises?

Former Merril-Lynch CEO John Thain has announced that he will reimburse Bank of America for the $1.2 million spent to remodel his executive office.

People are losing their jobs and homes, and this schmuck spends $1.2 million to spruce up his office? And didn't think there was anything wrong with that?

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-01-28 16:46:12
Hey, *I* know, Mister Thain can fly to Washington DC on a private jet and ask for a stimulus payout! Yeah, that's the ticket!...