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Google This

Monday, Jan. 05, 2009 3:46 AM

Former President George H.W. Bush weighs in on George W. Bush's legacy:

"He's gonna come home with his head high, knowing he ran a clean operation and he kept this country strong and free after an unprecedented history attack of 9/11. He'll have a lot too be proud of and he can start by his mother and father being very proud of him...and we always will be," the elder Bush said in an interview with FOX News' Chris Wallace.

Of course it was a clean operation. That's why they accidentally lost several million e-mails. That's why when the chips are down, 'I don't think anyone knew' is the standard refrain. That's why there's billions of dollars in fraud in Iraq, stemming from a war against a country that didn't attack us in the first place.

Because it's clean as the snow up W's nose.

And when Wallace asked Bush #41 about things that Bush #43 could be fairly criticized about, the elder Bush told Wallace to go look it up on 'your Google.'

Bush #41 also hinted that another Bush scion, ol' Jeb, would make a great president.

No. Fuck no. FUCK THE HELL NO. No more 'Bush' anything, Sir. That's two Bush presidencies that wet themselves over Iraq and left the mess for a Democratic administration to handle. And you want us to vote another one of you corrupt bastards into office?

For someone who claims he's not into showboating, Roland Burris seems to be an awfully big camera whore, making a production out of his trip to Washington, where he's going to force the Democrats to decide on the legitimacy of his appointment.

That includes Burris putting in an appearance at his church, where he got to tell the congregation that it was the Lord's hand guiding Rod Blagojevich when he appointed Burris.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the chances of Burris being seated are slim.

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