The Ministry of Shadows

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It's Not A Tax, It's A Fee

Thursday, Dec. 18, 2008 8:52 AM

Bay Area lawmakers have a plan to fix the budget they're going to levy a gasoline fee on consumers. Because it's a fee and not a tax, it doesn't require a 2/3rds majority to pass.

No matter how you slice it, it comes out baloney.

"I didn't compromise my soul to be popular," said President Bush in an interview on FOX News.

No, Sir, you just sold your personal integrity, America's reputation abroad, and saddled us with over $4 trillion in debt to pursue a man you've admitted was not connected in any way with 9/11, did not have WMDs, and was not sheltering al-Qaeda.

But you have the gall to stand there and blame others for your failings and fuckups and claim that you didn't compromise your soul? You have the temerity to have your sycophantic minions talk about your honor and dignity, and how, at least, you kept America safe?

Here's what I want to know, Mr. Bush. What have you learned in these past eight years? You speak of all the trials and tribulations you've faced, but, hey, your soul hasn't been compromised! Fab. Nifty. It's bullshit, and it's the standard dodge of a spoiled little boy (right down to the sheepish grin and head wobble) - that you didn't do anything wrong. It's everybody else's fault. It's not your policies, it's just the economy. It's not your decision to go to war, it's the faulty intelligence from other people.


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