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Regrets, I've Had A Few ...

Thursday, Dec. 04, 2008 3:47 AM

"The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq."
-- President George W. Bush

Most people express regrets over their inability to do something, or not having done something. As in, 'I regret not having spent more time with my father before he came down with Alzheimers,' or 'I regret not fixing the leaky roof before the rainy season began.'

And regrets always come down to a choice that you made, an action you did or did not do.

But not for George W. Bush. His regrets are that other people messed up the intelligence on Iraq. He regrets that reality didn't match up with his decisions and stubborn insistence that time would prove him right.

In the past, he's told us that he'd do the same thing over again. And, in his recent interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson, he admits that he can't even speculate about having chosen a different path.

For most people, even when we're competent at a task, we're mindful of how not to do something, or the consequences of timing, as if we were planning a Thanksgiving dinner - we know certain things have to be done at certain times, the turkey has to be in the oven by x time to be ready for our guests, and so on.

So we can only gather that when Bush says he regrets the failure of intelligence, he's trotting out yet another literal truth to keep his own ass off the grill. He's refusing to accept that the decision to go to war in Iraq was his and his alone, or the consequences of that decision and five years of denying there was any measure of error or culpability on his part.

It's a political regret, the kind of backhanded dismissal you give to people you dislike and don't give a shit about (that's you and me, America).

And while George is busy denying his role in the Iraq debacle in typically alcoholic fashion, a word for Laura Bush.

It's not supporting your husband in the face of critics, dear, it's codependency.

Now there are critics slamming Obama's choice of Bill Richardson as Secretary of Commerce, saying he hasn't picked enough Latinos for his cabinet.

Please, if you know of someone who is qualified, by all means say so. Present a case as to why they're a good pick for the job. But otherwise, you're in the same drawer as those 'serious and legitimate questions' about Bill Ayers - filed under H for horseshit.

There are also some Chinese-Americans in the Silicon Valley region that are complaining because Bill Richardson didn't stand up for accused scientist Wen Ho Lee.

Which means what, exactly? That Richardson isn't going to deal with Chinese companies fairly?

Is anyone else getting tired of Henry Paulson air masturbating (or at least doing his Mr. Burns imitation) and telling us he doesn't know why throwing gazillions of dollars at bank executives hasn't fixed anything?

For that matter, is anyone surprised that unregulated bailouts to fix problems exacerbated by an unregulated industry and unchecked greed isn't working?

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