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Guessing Game

Thursday, Nov. 06, 2008 3:58 AM

I'm going to stay away from the Guess Who's Going To Be In Obama's Cabinet game for the moment. All I care about in that regard is that he picks capable people who can offer sound advice, and doesn't insulate himself behind personal counselors and entrail-readers.

Contrast Speaker Nancy Pelosi's saying that President-elect Obama faces higher expectations than any president she's known to W's classic, "Expectations? I'm doing my best to keep 'em low."

Senator Harry Reid is supposed to have a little talk with 'independent' Senator Joe Lieberman, who could lose his chairmanship on the Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee.

I don't see this as a particularly partisan move - Lieberman has been trying to have it both ways, claiming he is caucusing with the Democrats while campaigning for John McCain - and the Democrats have gained enough seats in the election that they needn't come hat-in-hand to Lieberman on critical votes.

Parting shots out of the McCain campaign include a few choice selections from the Dumber Than A Sack of Hammers Department:

- Sarah Palin apparently didn't know that Africa is a continent, referring to South Africa as a province.

- Sarah Palin apparently couldn't name the participants in NAFTA. (There are three, we're one of them, and the other two countries are directly to the south and north.)

- Sarah Palin refused coaching for her interview with Katie Couric, then complained after said interview resulted in her now-famous incoherent babbling about Putin and Russia.

- Campaign advisor Randy Schunemann was quietly fired a week before the election after starting rumors that Nicolle Wallace was trying to torpedo Palin.

- Sarah Palin once greeted McCain staffers wearing nothing but a towel, telling them she'd be just a minute, and they could talk with the First Dude, Todd.

- Sarah Palin came prepared with her own speech on Tuesday night. She was told no. (I'm not sure what she expected to do/say - launch her 2012 ambitions on the corpse of her running mate? Toss out a final shout-out to Joe Sixpack?)

And this woman's name is seriously being floated as someone to watch in 2012?

Author Michael Crichton is dead at age 66, from cancer. He is best known for his novels, The Andromeda Strain and Jurassic Park, as well as creating the television series, E.R..

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