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Taking It On Faith?

Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008 3:58 AM

Most people at least know of the YouTube video in which Pastor Thomas Muthee blesses Sarah Palin, going so far as to suggest her political career is pre-ordained from on high.

Newsweek asks the sensible question - what exactly does Sarah Palin believe? Is she a Pentecostal, with visions of Revelation and sharing a pastor's vision of Alaska as a refuge in the End of Days? Does she believe that there are 'witches' out there who have tasked themselves with foiling her political career and projects like sprawling pipelines?

And how would this inform her policy decisions if she were to become vice-president and, possibly, president upon the death of John McCain? I certainly don't want our foreign policy to resemble the joke about the guy who waits on the roof of his house for God to save him.

The Boston Herald is reporting that Palin spent $50,000 on another makeover - this time, of the governor's office and mansion ... at the taxpayers' expense.

The lame defense from the McCain campaign? Dust off that bit about Sarah Palin selling the previous governor's luxury jet - something that never happened.

Would someone tell Cindy the Millionaire Beer Heiress it's counterproductive to smirk when her husband the candidate is taking shots at Obama's 'share the wealth' quote?

And what's with the talk of dissent inside the McCain camp, with 'a top aide' describing Palin as 'a whack job,' and another acknowledging that Palin knows nothing about national and international issues?

True, it's not flattering to Palin, but she didn't pick herself, did she?

I'm not sure what to make of Obama's upcoming half-hour pitch on network television tonight. I doubt anyone would be swayed at this late hour.

At the same time, if the Fairness Doctrine were still in effect, John McCain would be looking at a half-hour to sell his merits.

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