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Sewage Folly?

Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2008 3:54 AM

From the Our Legacy In Iraq Department, the $100 million sewer project in Fallujah that is, at best, a disaster. Sewage runs in the streets, the system may not ever be properly connected to homes, and is unlikely to cover the entire city.

If there's a sewer plant that's deserving of sporting George W. Bush's name, it's this one.

Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) was found guilty on multiple counts of making false statements in regards to gifts and services received from corporate donors.

And, no, I'm not buying the narrative that sweet, innocent Sarah Palin was the one noble soul in a corrupt government machine.

Seems to me there's a finding about 'abuse of power' that settles that quite nicely.

The alleged skinhead plot to assassinate Barack Obama is of concern, but not because the two young men who were arrested were capable of enacting anything - they're more like the low-hanging fruit on the tree of racism.

What's more disturbing is that there always seems to be willing disciples of racist thought, and that the McCain/Palin campaign - after one lame attempt by McCain to defuse things - hasn't continued to speak out against the hatred and bias manifesting in the crowds to whom they are speaking.

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