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B Is For Bullshit

Saturday, October 25, 2008 1:25 AM

I'm not sure what to make of the tale of Ashley Todd, the McCain campaign worker who spun a tale of being assaulted by a black man who carved the letter 'B' on her face, supposedly for 'Barack,' as she apparently has a history of mental problems.

Heavily pushed by Matt Drudge as the kind of story the 'mainstream media' would never tell you about, the police announced Friday afternoon that Ms. Todd had fabricated her story.

There was no assault. No scary black man.

On the other hand, there was a McCain campaign staffer who pushed the story with the media, directly or indirectly spreading a deliberate lie with the intent of smearing the Obama campaign and its supporters.

I think McCain can pretty much hang up his gloves at this point if his campaign has sunk so low that they're left with exploiting a troubled girl's story to sell their 'scary black dude' line about Obama.

And Matt Drudge should also be washed up or stand revealed as nothing but a bottom feeder with no journalistic validity whatsoever. (After all, when Dan Rather went to air with a lie, he got fired.)

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Bindyree aka Brin - 2008-10-25 06:55:57
Hey, did the Drudge Report also publish a retraction in three hundred point type? No? Well, I'll be horn swaggled.