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Joe The Liar

Friday, Oct. 17, 2008 3:59 AM

It's ironic that folks in the liberal blogosphere will cry foul against the evil MSM, but are more than happy to spread rumors without doing a basic fact-check.

To wit, yesterday's obsession-du-jour, 'Joe the Plumber,' shares a last name with the son-in-law of one Charles Keating. The rumor, of course, was that they are, in fact, related, which would mean Joe was a bit of a shill as far as being an example of how Obama's tax plan would put the screws to him.

Only it turned out not to be true. Yes, the blogosphere self-corrected. The point is that rumor-mongering of this sort isn't all that far off from Dan Rather's swan song with 'President Bush's National Guard Records.'

On the other hand, it turns out Joe the Plumber doesn't have a license (an essential if you're a small business owner), and he owes about $1,200 in back taxes.

So why bitch at Barack Obama for raising your taxes when you're not paying them to begin with?

Of course, who needs rumors when reality is so much more offensive? Take, for example, the San Bernardino County Republican Party, who made up an 'Obama Food Coupon' showing a caricature of Obama along with images of fried chicken, ribs, and watermelon.

But wait, says the group's chairwoman. She didn't know it was offensive.

And the Sacramento County group had an image on their website that read, "Waterboard Barack Obama."

"Some people find it offensive, others do not," said Craig MacGlashan, the party chairman, who also designed the website. "I cannot comment on how people interpret things."

And how do you interpret it, Sir?

I'm waiting for the media to notice that Bush's economic plan is the same as his Iraq strategy. It's going to take time. Withdrawal/retreat spells disaster. I have a team of experts to whom I'm listening. Heh. Heh. Shrug.

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