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Puttin' On The Ritz

Friday, Oct. 10, 2008 3:56 AM

Wow. Not only has AIG asked for more money from the federal government, it was revealed that AIG executives were planning another 'conference' at the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay. Oh, wait, that was for 'independent agents' as an 'incentive.'

Despite all the hand-wringing and doomsaying from Henry bin Paulson and Ayman ben Bernanke, the economy is still in a tailspin.

The latest plan, hinted at by President Bush, is to nationalize some of the banks. It's nothing that hadn't been proposed by calmer, more level heads in the past couple of weeks. What makes me shudder is that this process will be administered by the Bush Administration.

And it turns out President Bush's plan for the economy is the same as his plan for Iraq: do nothing. His speech this morning included the telltale lines, 'it will take time,' (six more months), 'flexible and will adapt' (adapt and win), and 'a team of experts' (commanders on the ground).

It's painfully obvious that the McCain terrorist Campaign doesn't see how juvenile pssst! Obama's black! their current terrorist! strategy to dredge up Obama's past 'association' with William Ayers OMG! TERRORIST! WTF! is.

On one hand, you have McCain press flacks like Tucker Bounds and Nancy Pfotenhauer saying that Ayers' past terrorist isn't the issue, it's that Obama - somehow - isn't being honest about his relationship with Ayers,terrorist! which occurred nearly a quarter-century after Ayers was running about bombing government buildings. That it's about terrorist character and hey, look! it's a black man! honesty.

But, clearly, it wasn't such a demanding issue as to be brought up face-to-face in Tuesday's debate. Hell, McCain can barely look Obama in the eye, let alone stand still and look confident while Obama is speaking.

So the folks promoting Proposition 8 have a new ad out, and Richard Peterson is back to being a 'Pepperdine University Professor of Law,' with a teensy-tiny disclaimer below the caption saying it's 'for identification purposes only,' and not to indicate that he's speaking on behalf of Pepperdine.

It's still nothing but fear-mongering.

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